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What Is Internet Marketing?

Ok so what is internet marketing?

Most of you who are reading this are more than likely in this area of marketing, but do you understand exactly what you're part of?

Internet marketing is, in very basic terms the act of selling online, both to individuals (B2C) and to other businesses (B2B). Exploring the idea thoroughly and seeing how it takes place however is something we'll cover in posts to come. The main reason for this is that the internet is still young and is constantly growing. Internet expert Vinton Cerf once said that "a year in the Internet business is like a dog year... Equivalent to seven years in a regular person's life. In other words, it's evolving faster and faster."

Internet technology is always giving new chances for businesses to add to their sales strategy and content. Also, more and more people are buying computers off the high street due to the drop in recent prices; resulting in usage of the internet rising dramatically. As more people go online, the demographic is changing, and focusing sales efforts on the rich (who have disposable income at their finger tips) isn't the only goal of internet marketing. Today internet businesses must plan to sell to all economic levels.

The Use of the big search engines such as Google and Yahoo can provide sellers with an idea of what products people look for. This offers a big chance to know what is needed on the market. To emulate the advertisements shown on television or radio, markets use pop-up windows and advertising placed directly on a website. E-mail has proven to be a wonderful means of selling, but this usually only proves successful after a business has established a good relationship with the customer.

People are spending more time on the internet daily, and their numbers are growing. This is easy to figure out why: the easy access to the internet, added to the increasing ability of the internet to aid completion of tasks, has allowed for all manner of business to be completed with the click of a mouse. Many chores no longer need to be done by hopping in a vehicle and taking a drive. This means relationships are increasing through the internet, and as they grow, the internet sales have risen into the billions of pounds. Better technologies, and more traffic, are pointing to a future for internet marketing that is out of this world.