You Should Be Making Money Right Now - Are You Missing Out?
If you’re reading this article, you should be making money on the internet. Seriously, if you spend more than one hour a day on the internet and are not making money, you are wasting your time!
Stop with the job applications!
Stop searching classified ads! Literally anyone can make money on the internet. In fact, finding a “job” on the web is probably easier than finding one in real life.
Finding a Job in Real Life is Almost Impossible!
Don’t believe me? Go ahead and open up your local newspaper. (For those of you who only get your news online, you can find newspapers at your local gas and grocery stores.) Check out the job postings. Chances are, it’s slim pickin’s. You can probably work from home, apply for the fake postal position, or become a loan processor.
Oh, you’re highly qualified in a specialized field? Well sure, that’s a different story! When that one specialized position in your area opens, you quickly fax in your resume. Two weeks later, you do the “follow up” call, even though they’ve never contacted you. The nice secretary thanks you for your call and you wait a few more weeks. Calling again, you’re invited in for an interview... eleven days later. After the interview - of course they loved you - you’re invited back for a follow up interview. But that one’s three weeks later. Now it’s down to you and four other applicants. Two full months pass by until you find out “we really like you but feel our company just doesn’t quite fit your expertise.” Over four months in interview negotiations and you’re telling me it’s easy to find a job?
There are More Jobs on the Internet than Applicants
How is this possible, you ask? Affiliate marketing. There are thousands of companies and businesses selling their product, and they’ll pay you to help. So what are you interested in? Your choices are endless: software, clicks, pixel ads, ebooks, money-making systems, pet products, health supplements, even language courses!
The best bet is to choose a product you’re interested in or are passionate about. For example, if you love all things related to Myspace, look for software or ebooks related to it. Each company has its own link for affiliates. Look for the link and follow the directions. Remember, they want to pay you to help sell their product. They will have easy to follow directions to get you started.
The Real Beauty of It: No Experience Needed!
It’s true. You need absolutely no experience. The company/product you decide to be an affiliate for will walk you through the steps. Not only do they have a product ready for you to sell, they’ll also offer banners, book covers, and often descriptions of their product for you. All you need to do is follow their directions. These days, most companies will offer guidance for any newbies to selling on the internet. Meaning, if all you’ve ever done on the web is search, click, and purchase, they’ll show you how to be on the other side. That’s right - people will be searching, clicking, and purchasing from you!
Myspace - The Cash Cow
Here, in 2006, you have an offer that the world has never seen before. You have a website with over 100 million people actively involved in it. Now that you’ve got a business online, that translates to you as: 100 million potential customers at your fingertips. Set up a profile that shows what you do while being yourself. Meaning you don’t have to be a salesperson. You just get to show off your newfound internet business.
Ready, Set, Go!
So what are you waiting for?! Find the affiliate program that looks good to you and get going. That money’s on the table and it’s got your name on it!
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