Welcome to Internet Businesses Online

Success of a Website

The success of your website depends on you, and solely you.

It is not the simple operation of building a website and making money as many would have you believe, there is much more to it.

If you want to be in the position to make money with your website then you must start as you mean to go on.

You have built your website and it contains four or possibly five pages of content, this is a good start, but it is only the start you must now continue to make it a successful website.

By successful I mean by reaching the giddy heights of seeing your website in the top twenty of the search engines for your chosen keyword.

The easiest way of course is to pay someone a lot of money in the hope that their promises to do this for you will work.

If like me you want to see your website up there without spending a single cent then you will need to follow all the guidelines below.

It could take months of work before you see it climbing but as it does you should see traffic arriving at your website plus you should start earning money which will spur you on.

When you finally see your website in the top twenty or thirty you must then continue your work to keep it there.

The search engines are very fickle and if after reaching the pinnacle of success you tend to neglect your website by believing you have made it, then think again!

Your website is a continuing saga, it is like a never ending story where fresh content is a necessity. Let us go back to your five page website and start at the beginning.

First of all if you do not understand HTML then now is the time start learning. Yes it does look like a strange language but it is surprising how quickly you can fathom out what it is all about.


Keywords are the main words you use to describe your website content. For instance my main keywords are (Make Money Online.) I chose these keywords specifically because that is what I wanted to do, I wanted to make money online.

Yours may be Home Business Opportunities, or Work at Home, every one has their own chosen keywords.

The title of your website is the best place to start off with your keywords, it is not absolutely necessary but it is a great help as that is the first thing the search engines spider as they examine your pages.

Your keywords should now run evenly though your webpage, try and use them at least twice in the first rows of text but make sure they are part of a workable sentence, then continue with your page combining the keywords in sentences to the bottom of your webpage.

Do not overstuff them, too many is as bad as having none.


Meta tags are important as these are what tells the search engines what your site is all about.

The "meta description" is the most important for the Google search engine, but other search engines do take notice of the keywords in the meta tags.

This is where you will need to know a bit about HTML as you will need to place your meta tags between the head tags at the top of your page.

If you would like your meta tags ready made for you then visit my website where you will find a page called Website tools, here you will find a link that will make your meta tags for you, all you need to do is to add your keywords and description.


These are simple tags used in conjunction with your keywords, h1 tags and h2


Reciprocal or one way links are very important, these are a means of the search engines finding out how popular your website is by the amount of links pointing to it.

Never join link farms these are your downward spiral where you will disappear and even if you remove them it will be a long and hard slog back.

Link farms are where you get hundreds of links in one go.

You can either approach each website that you want to link to and ask for a reciprocal link or begin now and write articles. You submit your articles to as many article forums as you can and this will bring you in many one way links which are very important.


Adding pages to your website is an excellent way to keep the interest of the search engine spiders, this is essential to your success. Make each webpage in the same way as your index page with all the needed keywords and meta tags etc.

Informative pages are of great interest to the search engines so search the web and gather information so you can start on various pages of interest to your visitors.

You can add pages when ever you wish, I try to add a page daily but if you do not have time for that then make a point to add at least one every week.

There is now no reason why you should not have a successful website and once successful you will start making money, which if it is a business website is your sole aim.

But remember the never ending story. Pages and articles are now the key to your success.


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