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Making Money On The Internet From Scratch Is Not Easy...But Does Hype Help?

If you are anything like me when you first heard that there is masses of money to be made on the Internet you thought ok, let’s have some of it then! You perhaps ‘googled’ Home Business Opportunities – or Make Money – or ‘I want loads of Dosh’ (there are more than half-million entries for that! – amazing!) – or whatever…And then you must have thought – oh heck! (or words that effect!!!) How Many????
How do you choose from all the millions of ‘biz ops’ out there…?
I know I’ll go for the ones that promise me lots of noughts for only a few minutes a day of work? Of course that’s what we want so you/we send off our $47.00 here and $27.00 there and if you/we are particularly gullible even the occasional $97.00 here and there! And all we end up doing is making big money for other people (but that was not the idea though was it?) and getting an electronic library full of books all telling us (in so many words) the same thing!
Yes, the Internet does have countless millions of people logging on every day wanting information, entertainment, news, products and – yes, home business opportunities! – but also there are millions of people all trying to sell the same stuff to these people. The competition is pretty intense for their dollars – or pounds or euros – or whatever! And of course people being people - they will try anything to gain your/my attention for the goods, information and services they are trying to sell.
And so as we surf and search for our ideal home business opportunities we come across some of the most amazing HYPE (highly exaggerated advertising/claims) ever invented!
So a little bit of advice – don’t take too much notice of any ads you may see that claim - “You will Explode your Income” (unless, of course, it’s from a pyrotechnics company!)
Then there is the “Earn $100.000.00 in 4 months – risk free” (yeah right!) or “Create an Unstoppable Avalanche of Eager Buyers”….(eh? - Think about that one?)
"Use my Marketing System exactly as I describe and with some time and effort on your part you can earn some money" may not sound as sexy as -
"My Marketing System will Launch your Earnings into Orbit" (what does this mean? - unless it’s from NASA inviting you to put your savings aboard the next space shuttle!)
but it is a much more realistic expectation. The second headline is just meaningless hype. And I HATE Hype don’t you?
Another trick that really gets my goat – is the buy now or loose offer – if you don’t buy today you will have pay double because I will put the price up – (yeah sure!) months later – or even years in some cases – you hit the same website and guess what…yep - the offer is still EXCATLY the same! Of course it is!!!
The final thing I need to mention here before I get to the main reason for this article is how do Internet Marketers come up with the values for their products? My e-book is worth $97.00 but you can have it free!….eh? Do you know anybody in this World who would go into a regular bookstore and pay $97.00 for a book? I’ll tell you I don’t that’s for sure! And if the book is REALLY worth $97.00 do you think you would get it for nothing…?
Ok, the idea for this article is not to be negative – there ARE thousands and thousands of good online home businesses available on the Internet – but I promise you this, you will not make any money in any of them without any effort.
If you are looking to start an Online Home Business and you want the best piece of advice that I can give you… Whatever you choose to do (even if it takes you lots of trail and error to decide) just STAY FOCUSED. Persistence, honestly, is the ONLY attribute you need to be successful online.
Making money on the Internet from scratch is NOT easy – do not believe anyone who tells you it is – but it is easier if you do one thing at a time – and do not hop about from one enticing and exciting program to the next being taken in by all the hype – like I did. Yes, you my gain some useful experience doing this – but you will also quickly become very frustrated and end up pointlessly spending too much money and getting nowhere.
Of course, I understand the Marketers requirement for Hype – but is there anyone out there who actually likes it – and is there not a better way of selling?
Teacher and recently successful (hurray…phew, at last I’ve done it!) Online Home Business owner Geoff Barraclough offers some thing quite unique – hype-less advice, information, help, assistance - and some good ideas for anyone starting the rocky road to Online Home Business Ownership.


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